IAM: Annual Report 2008


IAM began work in Afghanistan in 1966 and is the longest continually serving NGO in the country. Currently n 2013, IAM has projects in seven provinces. From our budget, 33% is spent on development, 30% on eye care, 25% on education and 12% on health. IAM's projects include:  training eye care and mental health professionals, hydro-electricity, community development, working with disabled persons, adult literacy, teaching English as a second language, and management and leadership training. In 2012 a total of 200,000 Afghans were helped and more than 1,500 Afghans received training by IAM.

IAM employs over 500 paid Afghan staff and 50 expatriate Christian professionals from Europe, North America, Asia, Africa and Oceania. Foreign staff members are required to learn a local language and the normal length of their assignment is three or more years. All IAM expatriate staff serve as volunteers and they are responsible for their own financial support.

IAM’s projects and programmes aim at long term, sustainable development and are focused on innovation. Such innovation is brought about through the interaction between foreign experts, who know the local culture and language, and committed Afghan staff. Training and capacity building of Afghans outside of IAM follows successful innovation. Multiplication is achieved by other NGOs, the commercial sector, and/or the government taking on successful interventions.

See: IAM: Who we are


International Assistance Mission. Annual Report 2008. Kabul: International Assistance Mission, 2008. http://www.iam-afghanistan.org/sites/default/files/IAM%20Annual%20Report%202008.pdf.

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